TN-CAPS: Career Awareness and Preparation System

Business Survey

Survey Details

In cooperation with your local partner, the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry is looking to support local companies in exposing students to careers in your area. This questionnaire will enable the Chamber to gather information on your company that can be shared with teachers and students in local schools through the Tennessee Career Awareness and Preparation System (TN-CAPS).

TN-CAPS is a free, web-based resource for teachers to integrate career pathways relevant to their specific economic region. For instance, a 2nd grade teacher in Kingsport, Tennessee, will be able to visit the website and easily find downloadable, subject-based and grade-appropriate lesson plans for actual career opportunities offered in the Northeast Tennessee economic region.

Your business information will auto-populate within virtual profiles and downloadable lesson plans based on your economic region, industry sector, and workforce information collected here in this survey. Educators, students, and parents will also be able to see the methods by which you are willing to engage with their affiliated school. For instance, if you indicate your willingness to provide guest speakers for K-2 classrooms in Northeast Tennessee, you might be revealed to the same teacher mentioned above once she's ready to host a real-life professional in class to illustrate career application of the lesson plan.

Educators and students will also gain insight into credentialing, certifications, and degrees required for top careers in their economic region--enabling them to plan ahead as they're discovering the career pathways in which they are most interested.

By completing this survey you will allow the TN Chamber and its partners to share this information with local schools and others. Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to share your company's information.